Trial Success

Trials Results for Elite K9 Solutions Teams

2/1/15 Vixen picks ups some wins toward her grand championship 

Vixen win 2-1-15

1/19/15 Sheila got her last leg for her Rally Excellent title on Saturday!! 


1/19/15 Miley picked up two leg in AKC open Obedience this weekend and Mattie picked up some Conformation points! 

2015-01-19 15.38.54

12/28/14: Sheila got her second pass at NW3 with serval top 3 placements! One more ass to get their Elite Title!


11/8/14: Tess, Penny, Miley and Mattie passed their ORTs for Birch, Anise, and Clove today! Way to go teams!!

dog bone pink

9/21/14 Vixen Finishes her United Rally Obedience 1 Title getting a 4th place and earning her first total dog award!

vixen ribbon

9/21/14 Vixen Finishes her conformation Championship.


9/21/14 Vixen Finishes her United Weight Pull Title!!


9/20/14 Cisco finishes his United Rally Obedience 2 Title taking High In Trial for both shows and earning his first total dog award.


9/20/14 Cisco take Reserve Male in his first conformation show.


9/19/14 Cisco finishes his United Weight Puller Title by pulling over 8 times his body weight.


9/6/14 Cisco Earns is NW2 title with a 4th overall place out of 33 dog, and a first place on the exterior search!